威克菲尔德的牧师 01 豪爽、天真、单纯且无害的家庭



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There are an hun­dred faults in this Thing, and an hun­dred things might be said to prove them beau­ties. But it is need­less. A book may be amus­ing with nu­mer­ous er­rors, or it may be very dull without a single ab­surdity. The hero of this piece unites in him­self the three greatest char­ac­ters upon earth; he is a priest, an hus­band­man, and the fath­er of a fam­ily. He is drawn as ready to teach, and ready to obey, as simple in af­flu­ence, and majest­ic in ad­versity. In this age of op­u­lence and re­fine­ment whom can such a char­ac­ter please? Such as are fond of high life, will turn with dis­dain from the sim­pli­city of his coun­try fireside. Such as mis­take rib­aldry for hu­mour, will find no wit in his harm­less con­ver­sa­tion; and such as have been taught to de­ride re­li­gion, will laugh at one whose chief stores of com­fort are drawn from fu­tur­ity.

Oliv­er Gold­smith



The de­scrip­tion of the fam­ily of Wake­field; in which a kindred like­ness pre­vails as well of minds as of per­sons.

第一章 威克菲尔德家族的画像,其思想和外貌都有相似之处。

I was ever of opin­ion, that the hon­est man who mar­ried and brought up a large fam­ily, did more ser­vice than he who con­tin­ued single, and only talked of pop­u­la­tion. From this motive, I had scarce taken or­ders a year be­fore I began to think ser­i­ously of mat­ri­mony, and chose my wife as she did her wed­ding gown, not for a fine glossy sur­face, but such qual­it­ies as would wear well. To do her justice, she was a good-natured not­able wo­man; and as for breed­ing, there were few coun­try ladies who could show more. She could read any Eng­lish book without much spelling, but for pick­ling, pre­serving, and cook­ery, none could ex­cel her. She prided her­self also upon be­ing an ex­cel­lent con­triver in house­keep­ing; though I could nev­er find that we grew rich­er with all her con­triv­ances. How­ever, we loved each oth­er ten­derly, and our fond­ness in­creased as we grew old. There was in fact noth­ing that could make us angry with the world or each oth­er. We had an el­eg­ant house, situ­ated in a fine coun­try, and a good neigh­bour­hood. The year was spent in mor­al or rur­al amuse­ments; in vis­it­ing our rich neigh­bours, and re­liev­ing such as were poor. We had no re­volu­tions to fear, nor fa­tigues to un­der­go; all our ad­ven­tures were by the fireside, and all our mi­gra­tions from the blue bed to the brown.


As we lived near the road, we of­ten had the trav­el­ler or stranger vis­it us to taste our goose­berry wine, for which we had great repu­ta­tion; and I pro­fess with the vera­city of an his­tor­i­an, that I nev­er knew one of them find fault with it. Our cous­ins too, even to the for­ti­eth re­move, all re­membered their af­fin­ity, without any help from the Her­ald’s of­fice, and came very fre­quently to see us. Some of them did us no great hon­our by these claims of kindred; as we had the blind, the maimed, and the halt amongst the num­ber. How­ever, my wife al­ways in­sisted that as they were the same flesh and blood, they should sit with us at the same table. So that if we had not, very rich, we gen­er­ally had very happy friends about us; for this re­mark will hold good through life, that the poorer the guest, the bet­ter pleased he ever is with be­ing treated: and as some men gaze with ad­mir­a­tion at the col­ours of a tulip, or the wing of a but­ter­fly, so I was by nature an ad­mirer of happy hu­man faces. How­ever, when any one of our re­la­tions was found to be a per­son of very bad char­ac­ter, a trouble­some guest, or one we de­sired to get rid of, upon his leav­ing my house, I ever took care to lend him a rid­ing coat, or a pair of boots, or some­times an horse of small value, and I al­ways had the sat­is­fac­tion of find­ing he nev­er came back to re­turn them. By this the house was cleared of such as we did not like; but nev­er was the fam­ily of Wake­field known to turn the trav­el­ler or the poor de­pend­ent out of doors.


Thus we lived sev­er­al years in a state of much hap­pi­ness, not but that we some­times had those little rubs which Provid­ence sends to en­hance the value of its fa­vours. My orch­ard was of­ten robbed by school­boys, and my wife’s cus­tards plundered by the cats or the chil­dren. The Squire would some­times fall asleep in the most pathet­ic parts of my ser­mon, or his lady re­turn my wife’s ci­vil­it­ies at church with a mu­til­ated cur­tesy. But we soon got over the un­eas­i­ness caused by such ac­ci­dents, and usu­ally in three or four days began to won­der how they vexed us.


My chil­dren, the off­spring of tem­per­ance, as they were edu­cated without soft­ness, so they were at once well formed and healthy; my sons hardy and act­ive, my daugh­ters beau­ti­ful and bloom­ing. When I stood in the midst of the little circle, which prom­ised to be the sup­ports of my de­clin­ing age, I could not avoid re­peat­ing the fam­ous story of Count Abens­berg, who, in Henry II’s pro­gress through Ger­many, while oth­er courtiers came with their treas­ures, brought his thirty-two chil­dren, and presen­ted them to his sov­er­eign as the most valu­able of­fer­ing he had to be­stow. In this man­ner, though I had but six, I con­sidered them as a very valu­able present made to my coun­try, and con­sequently looked upon it as my debt­or. Our eld­est son was named George, after his uncle, who left us ten thou­sand pounds. Our second child, a girl, I in­ten­ded to call after her aunt Gris­sel; but my wife, who dur­ing her preg­nancy had been read­ing ro­mances, in­sisted upon her be­ing called Olivia. In less than an­oth­er year we had an­oth­er daugh­ter, and now I was de­term­ined that Gris­sel should be her name; but a rich re­la­tion tak­ing a fancy to stand god­moth­er, the girl was, by her dir­ec­tions, called Sophia; so that we had two ro­mantic names in the fam­ily; but I sol­emnly protest I had no hand in it. Moses was our next, and after an in­ter­val of twelve years, we had two sons more.

我的孩子是节制的结果,因为他们是在放松的环境中被教育的,所以他们既健康又强健,我的儿子活泼坚毅,我的女儿美丽艳丽。当我站在这个小圈子里,这个圈子将成为我渐渐衰老的支持,我不能不重复Count Abens­berg的著名故事,在亨利二世在德国的征程中,当他的其他朝臣带来他们的财富时,他带来了他的三十二个孩子,并将他们呈给他的主子,作为他最有价值的礼物。在这种方式上,虽然我只有六个孩子,但我认为这是对我国家的一个非常有价值的礼物,因此我认为它是我的债务。我们最大的儿子名叫乔治,是他的叔叔的名字,他给了我们10,000英镑。我们的第二个孩子是一个女孩,我想给她姑姑的名字,但是在她怀孕期间读过浪漫小说的我妻子坚持称她为Olivia。再过不到一年,我们又有了另一个女孩,现在我决定她的名字叫Gris­sel,但是一个富人渴望成为她的亲戚,按照她的要求,女孩被称为Sophia,这样我们家里就有两个浪漫的名字了;但是我严肃地宣誓,我没有参与这件事。下一个是摩西,过了十二年,我们又有了两个儿子。

It would be fruit­less to deny my ex­ulta­tion when I saw my little ones about me; but the van­ity and the sat­is­fac­tion of my wife were even great­er than mine. When our vis­it­ors would say, “Well, upon my word, Mrs. Prim­rose, you have the finest chil­dren in the whole coun­try.”—“Ay, neigh­bour,” she would an­swer, “they are as heav­en made them, hand­some enough, if they be good enough; for hand­some is that hand­some does.” And then she would bid the girls hold up their heads; who, to con­ceal noth­ing, were cer­tainly very hand­some. Mere out­side is so very tri­fling a cir­cum­stance with me, that I should scarce have re­membered to men­tion it, had it not been a gen­er­al top­ic of con­ver­sa­tion in the coun­try. Olivia, now about eight­een, had that lux­uri­ancy of beauty with which paint­ers gen­er­ally draw Hebe; open, sprightly, and com­mand­ing. Sophia’s fea­tures were not so strik­ing at first; but of­ten did more cer­tain ex­e­cu­tion; for they were soft, mod­est, and al­lur­ing. The one van­quished by a single blow, the oth­er by ef­forts suc­cess­fully re­peated.

当我看到我周围的小孩时,我感到非常振奋不已,但是我妻子的傲慢和满足感甚至更大。当游客说:「噢, Prim­rose太太,你有全国上最美丽的孩子。」——「是的,邻居,」她会回答,「他们是天造的,如果他们善良,那么他们是足够好的;因为美丽是美丽行为的结果。」然后,她会让女孩们举起头,她们当然很美丽,为了不隐瞒任何事,我可能会不记得提到这一点,如果没有人在乡村谈论这个话题。现在,Olivia已经18岁了,她有那种像画家画出来一样的美丽,像合卺女神Hebe一样,开朗、生龙活虎、凛然; Sophia的面孔并不那么引人注目,但她的面孔常常比一次一次的努力更有成效;因为她的面孔是软弱、谦虚和诱人的。一人单枪匹马,一人靠成功地重复努力。

The tem­per of a wo­man is gen­er­ally formed from the turn of her fea­tures, at least it was so with my daugh­ters. Olivia wished for many lov­ers, Sophia to se­cure one. Olivia was of­ten af­fected from too great a de­sire to please. Sophia even repressed ex­cel­lence from her fears to of­fend. The one en­ter­tained me with her vi­va­city when I was gay, the oth­er with her sense when I was ser­i­ous. But these qual­it­ies were nev­er car­ried to ex­cess in either, and I have of­ten seen them ex­change char­ac­ters for a whole day to­geth­er. A suit of mourn­ing has trans­formed my coquet in­to a prude, and a new set of rib­bons has giv­en her young­er sis­ter more than nat­ur­al vi­va­city. My eld­est son George was bred at Ox­ford, as I in­ten­ded him for one of the learned pro­fes­sions. My second boy Moses, whom I de­signed for busi­ness, re­ceived a sort of a mis­cel­laneous edu­ca­tion at home. But it is need­less to at­tempt de­scrib­ing the par­tic­u­lar char­ac­ters of young people that had seen but very little of the world. In short, a fam­ily like­ness pre­vailed through all, and prop­erly speak­ing, they had but one char­ac­ter, that of be­ing all equally gen­er­ous, cred­u­lous, simple, and in­of­fens­ive.
